7:00pm - 9:00pm
DJ Jess
Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite! - Remastered
The Beatles
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Birthday Bash Photos and More

6/27/2017Amanda Eichstaedt

What a great 18th birthday party THAT was! The whole KWMR family gathered to dance, drink, munch, and celebrate community radio at the Lagunitas brewery event patio — and it was a blast. Thanks to everyone who came out, ate cake with us, boogied to the band, won some super duper raffle goodies (Sweetwater tickets, anyone?) and got a taste of California street food from the Bodega food truck! We think this might become a habit.

Sally Phillips (aka Liberacha) and Station Manager Amanda Eichstaedt show you how it’s done

Our appropriately wild n’ crazy cake from the Coast Cafe

Matt Elias and Laine Ayre served up the goods all evening

Programmer Jenny Stock (Ocean Currents, Mondays 1 PM) shows off the grub

Ian McMurray, IT guru at KWMR finally kicked out the jams for us with his band, the Detroit Disciples

DJ Barbarella kept it cool for the crowd

Raffle, raffle, raffle prizes!

Thank you to everyone who contributed
to KWMR’s 18th Birthday Bash!

123 Bolinas
Black Mountain Cycles
Cabaline Country Emporium & Saddlery
Coast Cafe and David Cook
Cowgirl Creamery
Flower Power
Fog’s Kitchen
From The Fields
Gallery Route One
Good Earth Natural Foods
Great American Music Hall
Herban Garden
Jaime Crespo of Crespo Comix
Lagunitas Brewing Company
Marin County Fai
Pet Cottage
Point Reyes Books
Potting Shed
Spring Coyote Ranch
Station House Cafe
Sweetwater Music Hall
The Bodega
The Utility Room
Toby’s Feed Barn
Vita Collage
Vladimir’s Czech Restaurant
West Marin Food & Farm Tours
Yoga Toes

We’ll see you next year. Feels good to be 18!

7:00pm - 9:00pm
Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite! - Remastered
The Beatles