Round Up: “Engagement”

March 18th, 2025
Thank you to everyone who provided me with weed identification from last week! I got some great tips on how to safely eradicate the culprits in an environmentally friendly way. I also learned that I better be on it, since these little buggers go to seed in mere seconds. The weed is in fact Groundsel, a flowering plant in the family Asteraceae – Senecio vulgaris. I’ll say. Susie was the first to chime in, but I thank you all for your input. And yes Dan, I could have looked it up, but engaging with you all is way more fun.
I was listening to an interview with Zadie Smith, a well known and prolific writer. She was talking about regret and the interviewer asked her what she regretted (and if she felt comfortable talking about it). Her response was interesting. She said that she regretted spending so much time alone writing rather than engaging. When the pandemic hit, she learned that people absolutely hated it and missed engaging and being out and about. What they hated, she said, was her life: one mostly spent alone and writing.
I had the opportunity recently to engage with some people that I knew to see out and about in town, but had never fully engaged with for various reasons. Some due to them coming to the community during the pandemic, others just because we had not really crossed paths. This bringing together a circle of people was really special. There was no agenda on purpose, but the context and opportunity to engage brought about new synergies, ideas, and community. It was really nice.
It is important, more now than ever, that we break down the silos that were built out of tradition, or maybe out of necessity during the recent pandemic, and reach out to one another for reals. While our community is aging, some are leaving or passing away, taking with them so much important knowledge and history. Others are coming in and are here to engage and be part where West Marin is heading. I am in a job that requires engagement. I enjoy making connections, but also need time to restore and rejuvenate and appreciate my down time. I’m what they call an ambivert. I am glad that I broke out of my routine to join others and will look for other opportunities to connect with folks that I don’t know well. I am almost always pleasantly surprised.
My Board President, Nancy Vayhinger and I were discussing board recruitment. I was sort of belly aching about not getting a huge response (although I did hear from a few folks this last week, and I thank you for your interest). She said that she had to read the call for board members several times before she inquired, so I’m going to keep asking to see if there are any takers.
So here it is again. We are not begging, we are opening up the door for you to learn more about KWMR. Maybe you are a long-time listener and first-time board candidate. I remember the first time I joined a board. I was intimidated and sort of lost, but I learned a lot and met some great folks while serving on different boards.
KWMR has a great Board of Directors. Our meetings are concise and cover all the bases. We laugh together and take care of business. A few of our stalwart members are terming out, and we would like to invite folks interested in joining the Board to reach out. You can fill out THIS FORM if you are interested, and we can talk. Or just leave me a message 415-663-8068, x 104. Even email is ok, but it might get buried. I recommend the form.
I hope you will consider joining us at the Dance Palace on Sunday, March 23rd at 2 PM for a book event featuring Muriel Murch’s “Harvesting History.” Muriel will be in conversation with KWMR Program Director Jeff Manson. Her book is absolutely a joy to read. Books will be for sale at the event and the KWMBaR will be there with some refreshments. The event is free.

Dallas and Liz on their adventure. Photo: Dallas Smith
And speaking engagements and engaging! KWMR Programmers Dallas Smith and Liz Wilhelm “West Marin Naturalist Hour” are circumnavigating the SF Waterways. Their adventures can be viewed on social media HERE. They were calling live from a remote beach to their show this morning. It’s a fascinating listen HERE.
Amanda Eichstaedt
Station Manager and Executive Director