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Round Up: “KWMR Wants YOU!”


March 4th, 2025

KWMR has a great Board of Directors. Our meetings are concise and cover all the bases. We laugh together and take care of business. A few of our stalwart members are terming out, and we would like to invite folks interested in joining the Board to reach out. You can fill out THIS FORM if you are interested, and we can talk. Or just leave me a message at 415-663-8068, x 104. Even email is ok, but it might get buried. I recommend the form.

This is from our Board President Nancy Vayhinger:

“QUESTION: Have you ever thought about serving on a Board of Directors? It’s rewarding!  KWMR is looking for a few new Board Members. Honestly, a person would have to look hard to find a more hard-working and fun community to connect with in these challenging times. Think about tossing your hat in the ring..we would love to meet you! “- Nancy

Below is a throwback to when I was first starting as Executive Director at KWMR. You might recognize some of these fine folks.

L-R: Amanda Eichstaedt, David Bunnett, Bobbi Simpson, John Bryant, Dan Morse, Jack Kramer, Gus Conde, and Gordon Hull, circa 2010.

Speaking of throwbacks, KWMR will produce another fun zine this year. Below is the prompt from Program Director Jeff Manson. Please contribute to Zine 2026!

Last year, we invited you to share your best stories from the early days of KWMR. This year, we invite you to tell us about KWMR these days–and your ideas for the near future! What are you working on? What plans and dreams do you have for radio? Has anything interesting/funny/compelling happened in the last year or so? Got any good pictures? Submit them now to [email protected] to be included in this year’s KWMR zine project.

25th Anniversary Zine

KWMR Founder and producer of “Letter from A. Broad” Muriel Murch’s book launch events are coming up…The KWMBaR will be there with some special afternoon offerings on. Saturday March 8th at the Bolinas Museum, or Sunday March 23rd at the Dance Palace Church Space. See YOU there!

Amanda Eichstaedt
Station Manager and Executive Director

1:00am - 6:00am
What's Happening!!
Henry Mancini