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Roundup: “Pledging!”


Tuesday April 23, 2024
From the less messy desk of Amanda Eichstaedt


We live in a beautiful area. Recent photo from a hike.  photo: A. Eichstaedt

I believe this is my 28th Pledge Drive at KWMR. There might have been a few little extra ones that I did not count, but also the one we missed during the pandemic. But that is a lot of Pledge Drives. I once even dyed my hair platinum in order to make a goal by the end of the fundraiser. It was not my best look. 

If you appreciate what we do here at KWMR, please make a contribution. Every penny counts and we will use your donations wisely. They say if you don’t ask, then you are not doing your job. So I am asking. And I thank you for your support. You can find your favorite show at the link above! Make a volunteer programmer’s day!

Pledge drives are a heavy lift and this one might be the weightiest of all, it being our 25th anniversary. Thankfully I am not doing this heavy lifting alone. Our illustrious, talented staff is “all over it.” Leading the charge for this ambitious set of activities, on top of our 14 day on-air drive is Alyssa Tanner, KWMR’s Development Director. Please, if you see her, give her a high five for her excellent work.

If you have enjoyed the graphics, that is all Mia Johnson-Martinez, KWMR’s Digital Communication Director. And if you have been enjoying the programming, you can give kudos, and hold on to your socks, because he also created that cute little Bingo card that was in the Point Reyes Light as well as our 25th Anniversary Zine (available for a pledge of $50 to KWMR).

Behind the scenes there is more going on. Be sure to tune in this Thursday at 11AM. PGE says that KWMR and surrounding businesses will not have power from 9am – 5pm for a scheduled utility pole replacement. Yippee. During our last pledge drive someone ran into our antenna with a backhoe, so we are ready for anything!

Ian McMurray, IT Wizard and personal close friend of Professor Kozmo along with scheduling monster James Morhri are keeping things sorted when it comes to automated programming!

We will be running on generator power during the PGE work and at 11 AM we will turn off generator power to conduct a test of our transmitter. We have an idea that Richard Dillman can take over the airwaves remotely from Inverness Ridge Base. This is in case the Creamery Building isn’t habitable, but we still want to get emergency information out to y’all.

So, remember, this is a TEST of KWMR’s backup to the backup to the backup. We’ll see how it goes! Hope you can join us on this exciting adventure! And you can do so from the comfort of wherever you tune in! We’ll do that heavy lifting, too.

And please join us in celebrating KWMR’s 25th Anniversary by stopping by the tech tach with Richard Dillman at the Dance Palace on Thursday, May 2nd from 5 – 6 PM. Hop into the Zumba class at 6 PM. Rock out with Kevin Meade and Highway One from 7 – 8 PM, and then shake your booties with Cute Radio DJ Dance Party from 8-10 PM at the Dance Palace.

And hey, dine out with any number of our business partners, including Tony’s Seafood, Side Street Kitchen, Station House Cafe, Coast Cafe, and Saltwater Oyster Depot. Click here for details and times. 

Thanks to everyone who started KWMR way back in the day! Thanks for everyone who ever graced the airwaves with information, song, and stories. Thanks to all of our Calendar Club members! We appreciate our volunteer programmers, our Board of Directors, our Community Advisory Board, and everyone who gave us feedback during our recent focus groups.

I could go on and on, but I have to get back to work!

Amanda Eichstaedt
Station Manager/Executive Director

p.s. Please read through this newsletter for more details and be sure to check out the  KWMR Website!

7:00am - 8:00am
Return To Hot Chicken
Yo La Tengo