“KWMR.ORG has a new look!”
Tuesday Feb 7, 2024
From the messy desk of Amanda Eichstaedt…
About that “new” website…
I think it was about five years ago that we began exploring the concept of upgrading the KWMR.org site. Our previous site was designed mostly by Katie Eberle with the platform Creek.org for the archives. I guess if you don’t count the two full years of pandemic time-warp, it’s not a terrible timeline. But it was s.l.o.w. going for sure. I will take full responsibility for the lack of forward progress over the past several years. I actually don’t like it when a task, other than “eat healthy foods,” or “exercise” stay on my to do list for that long.

New look!
Long last the new site is LIVE! It’s not perfect, but at the point we pulled down the older site, it was far from fully functional. Suffice it to say that the new site is getting some positive comments, even within our household here in Olema (and not from Waylon – he’s on a digital diet). I hope that you will check it out and peruse around, send us your comments and feedback, and if you encounter anything funky be sure to let us know. Remember that I said we are still working on a few details, but it’s coming together!
And how about those storms! Wowza, I apologize to the fellow who had his skylight blow off and for my meager wind forecast during the power outage. For sure the winds near your home might have approached 100 MPH. That is some serious weather, and folks are still digging out and awaiting PGE to restore their power fully. Hang in there people!
Did you turn in during the storm? If you did you might have heard the new technology that KWMR is utilizing to bring emergency messages to listeners in both English and Spanish. This is something that I am super jazzed about and it was interesting to really put it to use for the first time. The software, Vox Versa, was developed by Will Bartlett (It’s Time Now). It’s pretty brilliant and will help KWMR better communicate to native Spanish speakers during emergencies. Thank you to the West Marin Fund for the grant that funded this project.
Jeff Manson is getting some great submissions for the KWMR 25th Anniversary “Zine.” Keep them coming! The process for scanning and cataloging boxes of old news clippings, photos, posters and other KWMR ephemera is underway! It’s amazing what you can do with a $19.99 cardboard contraption with LED lighting and a smartphone with a scanning app!
If you are trying to reach out to Susan Hayes about “The Raindrop Project” art show coming up at the Dance Palace Community and Cultural Center, sorry. I put the wrong email into my previous Round Up. If you have questions, please email theraindropproject24@gmail.com.

Hoop and basketball. photo: Pexels
Do you fancy shooting some hoops? Or maybe you would like to watch folks shoot hoops while you are eating spaghetti? You are in luck! Click HERE to support West Marin Youth this Friday, February 9 in Point Reyes Station! Not into hoops at all? Scroll down to learn about the Marin Teen Girl Conference.
Amanda Eichstaedt
Station Manager/Executive Director

p.s. Short Waylon update. Waylon 2.1 continues to thrive with his new training regimen. We are working with the training tools and seeing great improvements all the time. Waylon’s spirit is unfazed and he is still a snuggle monkey. And he is much better on walks!