“Vote for West Marin Projects”
Tuesday December 19th, 2023
From the messy desk of Amanda Eichstaedt…
Not Peanut Butter
What is not peanut butter? PB & J was a staple of my youth, but PB stands for Participatory Budgeting. Yes, it’s a thing and it is just what it sounds like, but there is a hitch.
The hitch is that we are in West Marin. A sparsely populated beautiful area, with possibly more cows, deer, and elk than residents. So it is super important, if you live in West Marin, that you vote for this community driven process since there are some great West Marin projects, and not a lot of people (wildlife is not eligible to vote, as far as I know).
HERE is the link for the Participatory Budgeting Website.Voting is pretty easy, and if you are having trouble with the process you can give them a call (415-473-3149), or swing by your local library branch, and I’m sure that they can assist you. Because librarians ROCK.
There are 24 projects to choose from and you can vote for a total of 7. There are 3 from West Marin organizations including West Marin Community Services, Natura Institute, and West Marin Fund.
The VOTER GUIDE gives you all the information on each project in more detail. We hope that you will take a few moments to learn about the West Marin and other very worthy projects, and choose the seven that appeal to you! Thank you for standing up for our West Marin partners.
I love the thought of funding for an electric van that can be used to shuttle youth, seniors, and others in West Marin where distance is a big barrier to getting folks engaged with local programs. I know first hand how important safe, well installed car seats are, having worked with Safe Kids in the past. And anything involving nature and healing is a good thing.
So flex your voting muscles with this new process in Marin County. You’re gonna need those muscles in 2024!!
While you are feeling great about your civic involvement, don’t forget about two other worthy ways to make a difference. Read on…
The first is a Toy Drive & Give Away. You can make your donation on Thursday the 21st of December at the Point Reyes Substation (4th and B Street – just look for the fire engines) between 2:30 – 4:30 PM. Rotary Club of West Marin (thank you Eileen!) suggests gifts such as books, dolls of all nationalities, sports equipment, board games, or gift certificates.
The second is a Food Drive. Stroll on into the Palace Market where you will be greeted by a life-sized cardboard cut out of our pal Seamus. There is a barrel there where you can deposit your donations. Thanks for making a difference in someone’s life.
__________________________Waylon Update_________________________________
Way and I having a moment. Just look at those choppers! photo: KEE
Waylon has earned the trust of his trainer and is beginning to show some joy in being exposed to new situations. We miss him terribly. I did some yard work this past weekend and it was just plain strange to not have him cruising around, digging the occasional hole and being attentive to smells and sounds. Ken misses his office assistant since he works mostly from home.
We are very hopeful that with some guidance from the trainer, we can help Waylon be comfortable in his fur and more willing to greet new situations with confidence. I feel like my own biases about horse trailers (sorry horse friends), and fast loud cars (not sorry), as well as deer meandering in the roadways, and visiting “tourist dogs” (I know, I know). I should be more compassionate about all these things. The more I think about it, the more I think I need the training, way more than any pet I might care for….
Please do not give anyone a puppy for a holiday gift, unless you have REALLY worked it out. Also remember, it’s a law to turn on your headlights while using your windshield wipers. Okay? And let’s hear it for Caltrans since whatever they did has limited the water gathering in the “usual spots” on Highway 1 between Olema and Point Reyes (at least so far).
As you make your end of year giving decisions please consider supporting KWMR. We will use each cent wisely. Thank you in advance, and to everyone who has contributed to community radio over this past year.
Amanda Eichstaedt
Station Manager/Executive Director
p.s. We have WINNERS! Using a random number generator, you can see who the current winners of the Editors’ Club are by scrolling down in this newsletter! Congratulations!