7:00am - 8:00am
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“End of August”


Tuesday August 29th, 2023
From the messy desk of Amanda Eichstaedt

Don’t Lose Your Coat

When it starts to cool down in the over night, but still get pretty hot in the afternoon, you might just forget that you wore a coat in the morning. I call this “Lose Your Coat” weather. I recall several times when I returned from elementary school after walking the mile home, sweaty and tired, my mom would inquire about my coat. No doubt it was left hanging on a hook in one of my classrooms. 

It’s hard to believe that we are at the end of August already. Kids are back in school. The naked lady flowers are showing their pink blooms all over the place. Blackberries are ripe for the picking and the apples are getting close. It is a time for harvesting, gazing upon brown hills and watching the reservoir edges start to recede.

the lowdown
: important information or facts about something

Starting on Wednesday, September 5th you can tune in at 9 AM every week to hear a 30-minute program I will be producing called “The Lowdown.” You will hear some familiar voices in this program, including Dewey Livingston, dispatches from Muriel Murch, Indivisible West Marin, West Marin Senior Services, SURJ Marin, and much more. I’m looking forward to foraging for good material to include in this short, but jam packed program. 

By the way, have you checked out some of our other new offerings? You can always peruse the schedule at kwmr.org, and we upload a handy printable schedule at the beginning of every month (the same ones you find in the library branches in West Marin) “Cute Radio” airs weekly on Wednesday at 11 AM. Sabreen and Bianka are lovely, and their tunes will get you chair dancing. Another brand new program is “Fruta Picada” every other Monday morning at 8 AM, hosted by Samantha Carreno.

Dr. Pinch working his magic in “A Comedy of Errors.”   photo: Carlos Porrata

There are three more performances of “A Comedy of Errors” next weekend. All those rehearsals have paid off! The cast performed twice this past weekend to full houses at the amphitheater. St. Columba’s is providing some tasty concessions for attendees, and don’t forget, kids are free (meaning you don’t have to pay for them, not that we are giving out kids). 

Swing into Gallery Route One and check out The Box Show one of these days. So much creativity!

And congratulations to Morgan Patton from the Environmental Action Committee of West Marin for her new position. Morgan will be joining District 4 Supervisor Dennis Rodoni’s staff. 

Amanda Eichstaedt
Station Manager/Executive Director

7:00am - 8:00am
Return To Hot Chicken
Yo La Tengo