1:00am - 6:00am
Professor Kozmo
The Second Time Around
Red Garland
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“The KWMR Community”


Man Down

Tuesday July 27, 2023
From the messy desk of Amanda Eichstaedt

On Monday, May 29 I went up to KWMR at 3:45 PM to record Jeff Wilkinson’s Tina Turner story. When I got there he said he did not feel well, was achy and feeling kind of crappy. I put on my mask to be safe and we talked and then I recorded his Tina Turner story. A few days later Jeff tested positive for COVID. Jeff is 80 years old and is fully vaccinated, but COVID was not kind to him. He took Paxlovid under the direction of his physician, but continued to feel poorly for over 24 days. 

I stayed in touch with him and took some soup that I made down to him and brought him some other food. He was struggling to sleep and in quite a bit of pain. My husband Ken drove Jeff up to the clinic and after evaluating him, they had Jeff taken and admitted to the hospital, where he spent over a week. He tested negative for COVID. He is now spending some time in a rehab facility where he hopes to heal up so that he can return to West Marin and his shows, “Saturday Night Function” and “Cruisin’.”

I have been in touch with Jeff, and also with his son, and his dear friend Margie. We are keeping track of him. Alyssa Tanner and I went down to his place and did some cleaning, so it will be a more comfortable place to return to when he is feeling better. If anyone would like to send or drop off a card for Jeff, you can mail it to KWMR, PO Box 1262, Point Reyes Station, CA 94956, attn: Jeff Wilkinson. I will make sure it gets to him.

Jeff asked me to share his story. My take away from all of this is the importance of checking up on folks that live alone. Especially anyone who is ill, or has compromised health. I know how many people enjoy Jeff’s shows and might be wondering where he has been. Professor Kozmo is doing a pretty good job, but we hope Jeff can get well and return to the airwaves.

Here is a photo of Jeff with fellow programmer Anneke van der Veen (now retired from KWMR) and her husband Steve Hadland (also a former programmer). You might have met Jeff in person working the KWMR table at the Farmer’s Market this past year. 

Anneke, Jeff, and Steve.    Photo by Mia Johnson

So check on your friends and neighbors. Be aware of the great services that we have in our community including West Marin Senior ServicesWest Marin Community ServicesCoastal Health AllianceWest Marin Medical Center, and the food banks that are at many of our Community Centers in West Marin. 

So many of our volunteer KWMR programmers are champions of the airwaves. Jeff has always been game to volunteer when KWMR needs a hand and step in to do programming of his beloved music. Here’s a big thank you to all the amazing KWMR volunteers!

Amanda Eichstaedt 
Station Manager and Executive Director 

1:00am - 6:00am
The Second Time Around
Red Garland