1:00am - 6:00am
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“Western Weekend Highlights!”


And That’s A Wrap!

Tuesday June 6, 2023
From the messy desk of Amanda Eichstaedt

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Youth carrying the opening parade banner.   photo: Alyssa Tanner

It was a beautiful sunny day, a light wind, and not a cloud in the sky Temperatures in the 70s. I would say that is perfect Western Weekend weather (and today, brrrrr). And that was Sunday. Saturday was a bit warmer but very good conditions for the 4-H archery and then the events at Toby’s, including the Gallery Route One opening. A nice evening for a Barn Dance, too.

Team KWMR was ready. Alyssa Tanner spent the weekend taking photos at the various events over the weekend. You can check them all out HERE  . (If you missed the parade you will FEEL like you were there) Alyssa has a great eye and captured our community beautifully. Jeff Manson and James Mohri set up and then dialed in the audio that played at Toby’s as well as the live parade broadcast. Mia Johnson got crafty with parade gear and rallied programmers to March in the parade on Sunday.

L-R: Ryan Hett, Nancy Vayhinger, Mia Johnson, Betsy Nichols, Howard Dillon, Marlon Kasberg, and Emmanuel. photo: Alyssa Tanner

Huge kudos to all the organizers!

Parade Announcers Matt Gallagher, Dolores Gonzalez, and Robert Cardwell.  photo: Alyssa Tanner.

Western Weekend parade announcing included Spanish translation by Dolores Gonzalez – first time ever. She jumped in with both feet and translated on the fly alongside veteran parade announcers Matt Gallagher and Robert Cardwell. A fabulous addition to the lineup, if I do say so myself.

You can listen to the audio HERE.

To view the 4-H and FFA winners click HERE.
To view the parade entry winners click HERE.

A big thank you to everyone who helped organize, volunteered, marched, or participated in any way shape or form, including those in attendance to enjoy the day. Every role is important in community.

Have a great week,

Amanda Eichstaedt 
Station Manager and Executive Director 

p.s. Marin County has a survey out and they want everyone to participate. 
p.p.s.If you missed the Tina Turner tribute show with local stores, you can listen to it HERE.


Where the wild things are!   photo: Alyssa Tanner

1:00am - 6:00am
Scrapple From The Apple
Charlie Parker Quintet