9:00am - 10:00am
Jeff Manson
Stella australis
Maximo Diego Pujol
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“Western Weekend!”


Tuesday May 30, 2023
From the messy desk of Amanda Eichstaedt

75 Years!

There has been some talk that this is the 75th Western Weekend! Yee haw! The parade entries are healthy, so there will be a wide variety of floats this year cruising down the parade route (Main Street/Highway 1) in Point Reyes Station starting promptly at noon on Sunday, June 4. A reminder that traffic will be detoured, plan accordingly. Tune in to KWMR to hear the live broadcast brought to you by emcees Matt Gallagher, Dolores Gonzalez, and Robert Cardwell.

Before I forget, there are two NEW shows staring next week on KWMR. You will want to check out “Encuento Latino” hosted by Dario D’Arrigo next Tuesday at 4 PM. It will be an every week show. Dario has a great deal of production and hosting experience. We welcome him to the airwaves! And right be Dario, following “Contacto Brasil” will be a new folks show hosted by Kendra Downey called “Acoustic Afternoon.” Welcome Kendra and Dario!

KWMR’s “secret weapon,” Midnight in Luxembourg host Rob Richards at KWMR making the live remote a reality.

A reminder to folks to NOT park your vehicle on the parade route (it will be signed) over night. So if you are thinking about walking home from the Western on Saturday Night (I mean you, Haggards Fans) please be sure to park on B Street if you have any doubt.

Promptly after the parade you can enjoy the famous chicken BBQ, put on by the Farm Bureau. If chicken isn’t your jam, feast on some tacos brought to you by the Tomales Hight School Class of 2024! Stop by the Straus booth in front of Building Supply for your ice cream, and be sure to say hi to the hard working folks next to them from the West Marin Community Response Team. North Marin Water will supply us with some filling stations (so bring your refillable bottle), and Recology is “on it” for helping us responsibly dispose of anything.

But the Cow Fop gives you the opportunity to recycle cow waste into your own winning toss. Don’t be shy. Halleck Creek has you covered.

Thank you to the EAC, folks after my own heart, who will be assisting with trash pickup, along with some kids from the Tomales Bay Youth Center. 

But don’t just come out on Sunday. Saturday has LOTS going on. Hit up Toby’s Feed Barn in the afternoon to check out the amazing projects created by the 4H and FFA youth. Check out the Gallery Route One school art opening in the Toby’s Gallery while you are there. And then get her dancing shoes on, and head on over to the Dance Palace Community Center by 5 PM for a community celebration and Barn Dance. Dancing starts around 6 PM. Not sure about the dancing part? No problem, Erik Thor and Hands Four will lead you. Before you know it, you’ll be a dancing machine!

And for all you chili cookers, the Rotary Club will be judging your entries on Sunday outside Toby’s. And when you have calmed down from all the spice, you can get some desserts homemade by the 4H youth. And the Tomales Class of 2024 will be selling snow cones if the chili was THAT hot.

Once again, thank you to our Premier Sponsors: Straus Family Creamery, Dixon Marine Services, Marin Agricultural Land Trust, Brickmaiden Breads, and Heidrun Meadery.

See you this weekend!
Have a great week,

Amanda Eichstaedt 
Station Manager and Executive Director 

p.s. Marin County has a survey out and they want everyone to participate. 

9:00am - 10:00am
Stella australis
Maximo Diego Pujol