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“KWMR Shows Up”


Tuesday April 18, 2023
From the messy desk of Amanda Eichstaedt

Showing Up

I will be completely honest with you. When the pandemic put a stop to all events, I was relieved to not be shlepping supplies around and coordinating events. I would have preferred the circumstances to be different, and maybe just have taken a break, but that is not how that cookie crumbled. And cramming a bunch of 98.6 degree mammals into an auditorium isn’t top on as many people’s lists as it used to be. So….

Go outside! 

KWMR has a robust schedule of “showing up” for some fun events. I’m going to let you know about them since you may want to swing by and say hi to us in person.

Marconi Community Day! Saturday, April 22. Come say hi to Alyssa and Jeff. They will be up at the Marconi Conference Center State Historic Site. It’s a beautiful site and there are big plans afoot to spiff the place up, so come and see the “before look.” There will be tours and a talk about Marconi history. Alyssa is bringing some KWMR swag to sell, and we’ll have station information, stickers, etc.

View of the grounds at Marconi State Historic Site.  photo: California State Park Website

Mill Valley Music Festival is coming up soon! May 13 & 14 in Mill Valley (duh). While KWMR won’t have a booth, you. may see some of us hanging out in our KWMR T-shirts enjoying the amazing line-up. And you will be hearing more about this event on the KWMR airwaves. Two great days of music from local and out of area talent.

Mill Valley Music Festival. They even have a dreamy logo!

Ember Stomp (Saturday, May 20) is a day of learning and fun all about wild fire safety and prevention. From gardening and landscaping, to a live fire demonstration, delicious food, music and fun for the whole family. KWMR will have a booth and we’ll be doing some learning about the event on the airwaves with interviews on different shows with the exerts. We’ll see you there!

Ember Stomp!

Western Weekend! Yep, planning is afoot for another great event in Point Reyes Station, complete with live Western Weekend broadcast on KWMR between 9 AM and 4 PM, complete with live parade coverage at noon. If you have a hankering to be IN the parade. The form link is HERE. You will also be hearing more about Western Weekend in the many weeks leading up the event on KWMR. 

Marin County Fair is happening June 30 – July 4 at the fairgrounds near Civic Center. KWMR will be there on Sunday, July 2nd. More to come on this exciting partnership! The theme this year is “Electrifying” and tickets go on sale soon. Hope to see you there!

Marin County Fair.  photo: County of Marin

Thank you for your reading this, listening to KWMR, and being such great folks!

Amanda Eichstaedt 
Station Manager and Executive Director