12:00am - 1:00am
Arndt Peltner
Wooden Heart
Elvis Presley
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“Cup Half Full”


Tuesday March 21, 2023
From the messy desk of Amanda Eichstaedt

Get Mugged

I have been through so many pledge drives here at KWMR that I can’t count them all. We use the airwaves as a means of raising operational funds to keep us going strong. And our Spring Pledge Drive is coming right up and will begin on Thursday, March 23rd. 

Our stalwart Development Director, Alyssa Tanner is on the case. She is organized, and administering marching orders to the entire team while guiding our volunteer programmers in the fine art of raising funds. We have many programmers for whom this will be their very first drive! Exciting!

But why wait? You can become a KWMR Pledge Challenger by filling out this form. Challenges boost the chances of programmers making their goal! And if you just can’t wait, go ahead and make a pledge of support today HERE

And this is what will be available as premium gifts for your contribution to KWMR.


You can get a hand crank solar Eton radio, or get mugged!

Thank you for your support.

Amanda Eichstaedt 
Station Manager and Executive Director 
12:00am - 1:00am
Wooden Heart
Elvis Presley