11:00am - 12:00pm
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“Useful and Practical”


Tuesday August 30th 2022
From the messy desk of Amanda Eichstaedt

Useful Stuff

But first… After 5 sold out performances the troupe of intrepid thespians have hung up our exquisitely crafted costumes, wigs, and aiguillettes (although we each got one to take home with us as a keepsake), and have toasted one another at the cast party. What an absolutely delightful collection of people to spend the latter part of the summer, figuring out how we all contribute to Geoff Hoyle’s translated and adapted version of The Miser. I speak for the entire crew in thanking those who came out to see the play, and to St. Columba’s for their gracious hosting in that special amphitheater.

And a big thank you to Alyssa Tanner and Mary Pepper for representing KWMR at the Tomales Festival on Sunday, September 4th! 

We are in the throes of planning our Fall Pledge Drive here at KWMR. I remember distinctly my first pledge drive as the Station Manager at KWMR. I was a bit lost, overwhelmed, and in over my head. We muddled through, and for the past 12 years have been honing our craft for these special drives that bring in just over 25% of KWMR’s annual budget. 

KWMR premiums throughout the years.  Montage and photos: Mia Johnson

One thing has remained a key element to our drives, and that is the premium gifts. Of course you think Pledge Drive and the first thing that comes to mind is a hand-cranked radio. Yup, we still have those. We have been creative in providing useful items, many of which I continue to use, some of them daily. 

  • Remember the High Sierra shower heads? They completely rock, and save loads of water.
  • How about the KWMR socks. I still see folks sporting those around town.
  • The rain gauges? Ours is hanging out by the garden.
  • KWMR headlamp. Can’t tell you how many times that has come in handy.
  • We hope the KWMR umbrellas will come in handy again one day.
  • Bandanas are always a good thing to have on hand.
  • Still enjoying my set of Brandon Cichowski coasters, and even our previous iteration of cork coaster from ages ago.
  • Wildflower seeds grow in our garden.
  • A mug for your beverage.
  • More recently the curious emergency kit, water bottle, lantern thingy.
  • Carried my computer to the station in my KWMR tote bag today.
  • And the KWMR shower cap kept my hair dry this morning in the shower.

We have some super fun, and useful premiums for this fall drive, which we will reveal to you soon. The drive begins on September 26th and will end at the end of the day on October 9th. If you want to get an early start to supporting KWMR as a Pledge Challenger, please click HERE. Challenge grants are a huge boost to programmers and it helps them make their show goal, and for the station to reach the overall goal. Thank you in advance!!

And KWMR Board service isn’t just for kids! Might you be interested in throwing your hat into the ring and performing some radio station governance? The KWMR Board wants to hear from you!  Ask any board member, our meetings do not run long.

Youth Board Rep?
And….if you are a youth, or you know of a youth that might be interested in serving as a KWMR Youth Board Representative, please apply now for the coming school year! We had such a delightful experience with our very first Youth Board Reps – Elena Rodoni and Sophia Buckholtz, and we look forward to new reps in the fall! Application is HERE.

Thank you for reading our newsletter and for your support of KWMR!

Amanda Eichstaedt
KWMR Station Manager and Executive Director

Thank you for reading our newsletter and for your support of KWMR!

Amanda Eichstaedt
KWMR Station Manager and Executive Director

11:00am - 12:00pm