✏️ May 11, 2021: “Forget Me Not”
Tuesday May 11, 2021
From the messy desk of Amanda Eichstaedt…
“Why are you pulling up those blue flowers?!” said Ken, alarmed that I would be voraciously ripping out such attractive blooms. “These things just turn into the worst burrs once they go to seed.” I replied with a handful of green leaves and pretty blue flowers.
Forget me nots. photo: Calflora
Alpine forget me nots grow above 7000 feet and were designated the state flower of Alaska in 1949. It turns out that they are of the Borage family, which makes sense when I think about it. These are not the plants that we see about our gardens. What we have are aptly called scorpion weed! (There are at least 10 types of forget me nots) and the one that we find here is called the wide leaved version. Not native, and quite invasive. Apparently you can tell the difference by the spikes on their stems. You can read all about it HERE.
Just a little forget me not story and some horticultural info for you. Honestly I feel like I can skip the soduku puzzles that are known for keeping your brain nimble. The KWMR schedule is enough for me!
Send in your questions:
Next week on Monday’s Epicenter Laine Hendricks will join me as usual. She and Dr. Lisa Santora have been such champions, joining us weekly on the KWMR airwaves. Even though Epicenter isn’t a “call in” show, you can submit any questions that you have about the COVID-19 vaccine HERE, and Laine will facilitate some health professionals who can help to clarify anything that you might like to know.
Waylon wanted to give you all an update:
Hi everyone, I turned 3 years old, and after all that practice of digging holes in our yard, I have finally perfected actually catching gophers! Amanda says my “hole to gopher ratio, is not where she would like it to be,” whatever that means. I even tripped in one of my own holes the other day when I was chasing a bird, but I am ok.
Waylon doing what he does best. Digging. photo: Amanda Eichstaedt
Whoever is trying to impersonate me and gave Amanda a “Mother’s Day” card is pretty sweet. I guess we need to get Amanda a tennis racquet (or is it racket…saw it both ways?) since I could care less about tennis balls. It was sweet of you to want her to take up a new sport.
First Red Flag of the year:
Based on the warm temperatures, lack of precipitation and windy conditions, the earliest Red Flag Warning was issues in the Bay Area in over a decade. Here are some great resources for you in planning your “go bags” and knowing about local resources:
- Visit the Point Reyes Disaster Council website for some great West Marin centric information. If you live elsewhere, look for your local info.
- Bookmark KWMR’s Emergency Information page.
- Brush up on your facts and info at Fire Safe Marin’s webpage.
- Ready Marin has great planning information.
- Have a plan and get to know your neighbors!
Thanks for reading,
Amanda Eichstaedt
KWMR Station Manager and Executive Director
p.s. So great to have programmers back on the airwaves, live!