✏️ Newsletter March 9, 2021: “Congrats To Colleagues!”
Tues March 9, 2021
From the desk of Amanda Eichstaedt…
I’m pleased to report that our fellow nonprofit organization, The Dance Palace Community and Cultural Center had a successful, virtual fundraiser this past weekend and made their goal. They are not the first of our fellow nonprofits that has worked tirelessly to pivot, and come together with their volunteers to raise much needed funds. If you missed the honoring of esteemed community members Bridget Devlin (Bovine Bakery) and Ismael Gutierrez (Inverness Garden Service), you can view it HERE.
Baby ceanothus getting ready to burst into spring bloom. photo: Amanda Eichstaedt
I can speak for KWMR to thank the West Marin Fund for their support of the 501c3 and fiscally sponsored organizations in our community that continue to provide crucial programs for community members. Having a forum to share our experiences during COVID has been a real relationship builder for all of us who lead organizations. I have to say, that I have met new colleagues via this network. The organizations that signed the Joint Equity Statement continue to work towards diversity, equity and inclusion in their organizations.
KWMR will be able to conduct our Spring Pledge Drive this year! Last spring, due to COVID, we put our spring fundraising on hold. This year, we are ready to roll, and we will start the drive on Monday, March 15, and end on Sunday, March 28. The theme is “On Air Because We Care,” and it’s the truth! Our goal is to raise $40K in two weeks. Pledge early and often HERE.
And here is some VERY exciting news! As we all know, Marin County is making big progress in vaccinating folks. We have decided that programmers who are fully vaccinated and will not cross paths with employees or other programmers will be permitted to return to do live programming (with COVID safety protocols in place). This includes some programmers who have not been able to be on the air for a year. So keep your ears to the tracks for folks such as Anneke van der Veen, Larry Rippee, Chris Salak, Shorty, and others! Due to the vaccination schedules and other factors, some programmers may start back after the drive, but there will be some great, and happy to back on the air, programmers SOON! This makes my heart SING!!!
Also, if you are a Calendar Club member, you should keep an eye out for a special gift for you from all of us here at KWMR. The KWMR Calendar. If you choose to join the Calendar Club in the near future – we have one for YOU!
Such a cute little hand calendar! photo: Alyssa Tanner
We also will have some great new premiums for this Pledge Drive including the return of the canvas tote bag, a battery operated AM/FM/Short Wave Eton radio, and a collection of tunes from the very first Sweethearts of the Radio circa 1998! More information to come!
Want some more great news? Kerry Livingston caught the ear of SF Chronicle columnist Barbara Lane when she was driving out in West Marin to take a walk with her dog (she learned it is not so easy). It’s a wonderful article about the Turning Pages series on KWMR, one that we are particularly proud of, established by KWMR founder Muriel Murch, and nurtured along by Program Director (PD) emeritus Lyons Filmer, and current PD Jeffrey Manson. I would like to add that we do have Turning Pages on Friday as well featuring Janet Robbins reading. HERE is Barbara Lane’s column.
Smiling due to rainfall, and good news!
Amanda Eichstaedt
Station Manager/Executive Director
p.s. A very Happy Birthday to my little brother Ian Jones. You may hear him on KWMR. Here is a link to hear his tunes. I like them, and this is even after telling him to “shut up” for years.