1:30am - 5:00am
Gregg Mcvicar
Holy Dub
Burning Spear
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Woodward Fire Information Hub


Due to unchanging Woodward Fire conditions, KWMR has now ceased our every 30 min on-air updates. If conditions change we’ll resume. Click for more…

Post updated Wed Sept 24 at 4 PM.

HUGE THANK YOU, FIRE CREWS & SUPPORT SYSTEMS! KWMR is so grateful for your dedication to keeping our community safe and informed. Click for Woodward Fire Information & Links…

In light of the Woodward Fire, please stay alert and continue to be prepared:
Sign up for Alert Marin. Sign up for Nixle. Check out Ready Marin. Bookmark KWMR’s Emergency Page.

Ongoing Woodward information sources:
View the latest reports, PDFs and fire maps at the Command Center Inciweb Site.
See any developments via the Point Reyes National Seashore Facebook.
View previous or future Evacuation Warnings & Orders from Marin Sheriff on Nixle.

Woodward Fire Public Inquiries:
(415) 473-7191 [recorded updates]
(415) 851-9970 [staffed phone, 8am-8pm PDT] Email: [email protected]
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 415-479-2311

Donate to KWMR today, to support our small staff’s dedicated coverage of the Woodward Fire: DONATE


Después del incendio de Woodward, manténgase alerta y continúe preparado:
Regístrese en Alert Marin. Regístrese en Nixle. Echa un vistazo a Ready Marin. Marque la página de emergencia de KWMR .

Información de Woodward Fire:
Vea los informes, archivos PDF y mapas de incendios más recientes en el sitio Inciweb del Command Center. Vea cualquier desarrollo a través del Facebook de Point Reyes National Seashore. Vea las advertencias y órdenes de evacuación anteriores o futuras del sheriff de Marin en Nixle.

Woodward Fire:
(415) 473-7191 [actualizaciones registradas] (415) 851-9970 [teléfono con personal, de 8 a. M. A 8 p. M. PDT] Correo electrónico: [email protected]
Emergencia: 9-1-1
No emergencias: 415-479-2311

Done a KWMR hoy, para apoyar la cobertura dedicada de nuestro pequeño personal del Woodward Fire: DONAR

Photo: Marin County Fire Department.

1:30am - 5:00am
Holy Dub
Burning Spear