7:00pm - 9:00pm
Ain't Too Proud To Beg
The Temptations
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✏️ Roundup: “KWMR’s Plan During Shelter Order”


March 21, 2020
From the relatively clean kitchen of Amanda Eichstaedt…

Thank you all for understanding during our week of automation. We needed some time to be sure our folks were all safe, and to come up with a plan to move forward. And we have one!

As we have stated, KWMR is not a “news” station. We do not have the resources to produce news. Please seek your information from verified and official sources.

Thanks to Jon and Ira also for reporting that they heard a Christmas song during Kozmo’s tunes on Happy Hour. It was bound to happen!

Starting on Monday, March 23, KWMR will have the following schedule. Live programming for the morning shows between 8 AM and 11:30 AM will be engineered by me (Amanda). I will be the only one in the studio, and the various hosts and guests will join via phone. I am working with our morning show hosts, and allowing them to opt in for doing programs in this manner. There may be some Kozmo spots if hosts prefer to sit it out.

Monday through Thursday at 11 AM every day we will host a 30 minute interview with different folks relevant to the current situation at hand. This will then be replayed at 5 PM during the Epicenter time slot. I’m still working on the Monday 11 AM slot, but it is likely to be someone from Marin County. Tuesday Sarah Hobson from the West Marin Fund will join me, and on Wednesday it will be Supervisor Dennis Rodoni.

We will remain on automation for the remainder of each day, and are working with some of the music show hosts who can record their programs at home. Please be patient with us.

KWMR is keeping a list of resources on the website. You can see it HERE, and it will be updated in a timely manner as info becomes available.

More info coming your way on Tuesday in the Round Up. We will return to weekly newsletters  unless something else changes in a big way.

We hope that everyone is doing ok, sheltering, taking care of your mental and physical health and following health guidelines. We appreciate you all.

Also, social distancing is really really important. It’s fine to go out and get fresh air, but abide by the 6′ rule, and don’t mix it up with other households or friends that you are not already sheltering with. No play dates. Be wise and responsible.

Amanda Eichstaedt
Station Manager and Executive Director

p.s. Stay Healthy, Stay Home (or at least 6′ away), and Stay Tuned.
p.p.s. Thank you Calendar Club members for your contributions. Support for KWMR is crucial.
Photo: Folks are going to be phoning it in during this next period of time.  photo: Pexels
7:00pm - 9:00pm
Ain't Too Proud To Beg
The Temptations