
A new resource for you


It is not a matter of “if,” it is a matter of “when.” Are you ready?

“Emergency Information” is a new page that includes several helpful Twitter feeds, as well as several links, and some important telephone numbers. We asked Transmitter Wrangler, Richard Dillman, which Twitter feeds he most often monitors. Now you can, too.

These are some of the resources that KWMR uses to help verify information. The Road Closure Map is the Caltrans Quickmap. There is also an App, which you can install on your device. The PGE Outage map, and telephone number are also helpful. I have accessed this on my cell phone when the power was out (internet down), where I could report an outage, and sign up for text updates to find out the status of the outage.

Alert Marin allows you to get information from the Marin County office of Emergency Services. As we learned in the North Bay wildland fires last year, getting information can save lives.

The are also links to the many area Disaster Councils. If you have not introduced yourself to your local disaster council, now is the time! Your level of engagement is up to you, but it’s very good to be on their radar, regardless of whether you are in West Marin, full, or part-time.

Last Thursday, the Point Reyes and Inverness disaster councils held a multi-faceted drill. KWMR made an announcement, and then 40-50 participants took place in training, including radio drills. Drills are planned quarterly to keep citizen responders trained.

Now is the time.

Thank you, as always for listening, reading and caring!

Amanda Eichstaedt
KWMR Executive Director and Station Manager

p.s. SAVE THE DATE! KWMR will be back with the 6th Annual Eat My Heart Out on Saturday, April 27, 2019. Matt and The Bodega crew already have it on thier calendar!

p.p.s If you pledged for a premium and you live locally, we have your premium at KWMR. Come and get it! Got questions? Ask by emailing HERE.

2:00pm - 4:00pm