12:00am - 1:00am
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Yves Montand
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Be Prepared to Wear White After Labor Day

9/6/2017Amanda Eichstaedt

If I had white pants, I would wear them today! I saw several social media posts about “the rule” about wearing white after Labor Day. It is basically a social construct of the late 1800s. I don’t wear white much, mostly because stains find me. I’m NOT one of those people who can do some light touch up painting and come away clean. Noooo, if I’m going to anywhere near paint, grease, dirt, tomato sauce etc. I need to dress appropriately and be ready to get dirty.
Labor Day is over! Today it is merely in the high 70s, temperature-wise in Point Reyes Station, but as you all know, unless you were in Antarctica under a block of ice, we experienced record breaking everything in West Marin this past weekend. Record breaking visitation, the Palace Market sold out of ice, and the temperatures soared into the 100-teens around the area. First responders were “on their game” pulling heat exhausted hikers off the trails, busting hot dogs out of cars, and attending to vehicle crashes. All this craziness without a single “disaster.” We were lucky.

September is Preparedness Month. We survived the big summer months sans earthquake, major wildland fire or other such disaster. Be grateful.

Here are a few preparedness tips.

  • Spend a little time on the Ready Marin website. Lots of great resources!
  • Sign up with Alert Marin to receive important updates via cell phone.
  • Do you have air evacuation insurance? Yep, if you have to be hauled out of here in a copter, it will cost you a pretty penny. But if you are covered by AirMedCare membership, you can sleep easy.
  • Find out who the Disaster Council contact is in YOUR neighborhood. Don’t know? Ask your local fire department.
  • Don’t have one? It could be you! Sign up and get involved.
  • Take a CERT course. There is one in West Marin in October.
  • Do you have a radio that can be powered by battery or by cranking. We have them here at KWMR. Let us know if you need one.

If you are going to wear white any time, do it with confidence, and have the peace of mind to know you are ready for anything that comes your way!

This fella is ready and prepared for anything that comes his way – he has helicopter insurance AND signed up for Alert Marin.


Amanda Eichstaedt, Station Manager and Executive Director

p.s. Like what you are hearing on KWMR? Tip the show!

p.p.s KWMR came up $7000 short of our $15K goal, did you miss it? If so, you can click HERE. Thanks to everyone who contributed!

12:00am - 1:00am
C'est si bon
Yves Montand