
Safe Landing

8/30/2017 ā€”

It is sort of hard to be celebratory in light of the current situation in Texas and now Louisiana, not to mention other disturbing information in the daily news. Regardless of the horrors of the world, there are also always things to celebrate, and the production of Parachute Days is one of these things.

It was a beautiful day in Point Reyes Station, no fog to speak of, light breezes and a few puffy clouds floating in a clear blue sky. The infrastructure that was designed by Gabe Korty and built by Gabe and a crew of volunteers that suspended the parachute from several tall tripods was sturdy and good looking. The stage took the cake, and a center structure served as a great place for the sound and light folks, and also created an anchor point for the chute itself. Form and function.

The music was wonderful and the sound, not too loud, but just right – some more mellow fare and some rockin’ tunes to keep you on your toes. DJ Barbarella spun a perfect mix between sets, the party just kept rolling. The food was delicious, and the crowd was, how do I say this? Mellow! Many families with small kids, teenagers attending to the garbage, both youth and adults sporting face painting.

Hats off to the team of key organizers: Danny, Leah, Gabe, Rachel, Tyler and Dylan. It took a lot of folks to make this happen, so sorry if I missed someone. KWMR was proud to serve as a media sponsor for this event and we had a great time!

Kacey Johansing got the crowd up on their feet, especially the “little ones.”Ā 

Tonight I’ll be dining in Fairfax atĀ Iron Springs Brewery and RestaurantĀ because the food is good, the beer is homemade and this fine establishment is hosting KWMR for “Give Back Tuesday!” 10% of sales go to KWMR between 4pm – 10pm, and we will be hosting a fun raffle! Hope you can join us. That is today – 8/29/17.

Amanda Eichstaedt, Station Manager and Executive Director

p.s. Like what you are hearing on KWMR?Ā Tip the show!

p.p.s We did not make our pledge goal, but we had a lot of fun trying! If you missed the pledge you can donateĀ HERE. Thanks to everyone who contributed!

Photos: Lynn Bagley, Clare Worsley