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A Happy Valentine’s Day To YOU!

2/15/2017 —

2016 Sweethearts image – really shows the love. Happy Valentines Day from KWMR!

Feeling lucky to have dodged the flu bugs this winter while those around me were falling ill, I was finally struck down with the cold to beat all colds. This cold should win some sort of award for being such a great cold. Such an award-winning cold that I had to sit out Sweethearts of the Radio this year. Booooo. (Late breaking news – apparently if you had a flu shot, you might actually get the flu without a fever, making it seem like a robust cold.)

Fancy footwork was in order last week when we learned that Renee Harcourt (Dear John Love Renee) was too ill to perform. Two years ago, Keeley Valentino had to bow out of Sweethearts due to health issues, and I gave her a call just before “The COLD” took over my world, she jumped in on short notice to perform. And  please note that Claudia Russell did not perform last year due to being ill, but was in top form this year.

The concert went really well thanks to the capable ace team of KWMR staff and volunteers. Special thanks to Sally Phillips and Ken Eichstaedt for taking over my responsibilities and to David Cook for preparing a home-cooked meal for the performers in my absence. Shout out to Mia Johnson, Lyons Filmer and Katie Eberle for their participation. Thank you Sirima and Rick for emceeing and for the great little tune about KWMR. I was very sorry to miss the performances and seeing all of the attendees at this event. Each and every one of you that volunteered is so greatly appreciated.

Events are fun and my work at KWMR is primarily administrative, so missing an event is s bummer.  Yes, I get to be a volunteer on the airwaves, which I love. The events are fun and are primarily friend-raising endeavors for us. The time spent on the audit, preparing the information for the 990 tax form as well as dealing with the monthly duties to keep this little operation chugging along, take up the bulk of my time. As I have mentioned prior, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) funds might be on the chopping block, which would be a major hit to KWMR since this makes up 25% of our budget. It raises concern for not just KWMR, but many independent and National Public Radio (NPR) station all over the USA.

If you are interested in learning more about how KWMR fits into the larger picture of community radio, HERE is a link to a great interview with National Federation of Community Broadcasters CEO Sally Kane talking with podcast hosts from Radio Survivor about the importance of the work that we all do. A great resource for info is Protect My Public Media, you can read more about the issues at their site.

We will keep you posted on what is going on and how it might impact KWMR. One thing that you can do is to talk to your friends and neighbors about KWMR and let them know what you like and enjoy about the station, encourage them to listen and support the station. Talk about when entertains and educates you, and how we get you important information in times of inclement weather or emergencies. That would be the best valentine you could give to KWMR.

Amanda Eichstaedt 
Station Manager and Executive Director on behalf of the whole crew here at KWMR!

P.S. Send your favorite show or KWMR host a valentine by TippingTheir Show! They will feel the love. Don’t worry, when you click to the next step, you can identify the show and host and make comments!

2:00pm - 4:00pm